Shared by Mª José Fernández (Physics and Chemistry):
The ideas during this class are vey useful, in fact, I would use some tips mentioned by Paul with students in order to get Highly motivate and success.
For example, I would propose a task, take as Paul said, the limit timewith short activities, in order to avoid long boring activities. As he mentioned, I would use the word “mission” instead of task. The mission would be “Reduce de pollution in our city”
In the first step, the student would write diferentes words in term of pollution using a postit for each one. The words must be similar to spanish (language link), e.g starting with same letter in both languages like: Acid (ácido) Ozone (ozono) Contamination (contaminación), ….
The idea is that they realized that there are a lot of scientific words similar in both languages and get motivated them so they may increase the vocabulary in a easy way.
Then I would ask to give their opinion in group, using all the collected words in the post-it. All post-it would be visually around the walls. It would be also interesting to organize a Brainstorming with all the group, participating and sharing their ideas in order to get our “mission”. At the end the teacher give them a feedback with open question to stronger students and closed to weaker.
Another tip of Paul is using popular song so I would propose songs with mising word using the app . As our mission is polution, I would also propose as an extra task to compose a song using tips to get a better place in our city/country/planet.
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